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Project number: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000867
Programme: Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání
Period: 2018 - 2022
Name of applicant: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava

Brief project description - abstract

The aim of the project is the development of excellent research in the field of advanced mechatronic systems, which will be implemented mainly by staff of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VŠB-TU Ostrava. A unique feature of the project is the interconnection of theoretical design, modelling and simulation of mechatronic systems and implementation of measurement, control and diagnostic systems. Scientific activities of the project are divided into four research programs and include active noise and vibration control, contactless measurement of the shape and properties of objects, conceptual design of handling and robotic mechanisms, design of compact hydraulic actuators, signal processing, design and implementation of embedded control systems. The acquired unique research infrastructure will accelerate the results of the research team, also created in cooperation with foreign partners to increase the mobility of researchers, the education of young scientists and increase in participation in high-quality international research projects.

Research programs and objectives

  • RP1 - Modelling, simulation and control of mechatronic systems 
  • RP2 - Methodology and theory of conceptual design of robotic manipulators with computer support
  • RP3 - Fluid systems
  • RP4 - Control, sensory and diagnostic systems in mechatronics

RO2.1 – Conceptual design of handling and robotic mechanisms

Abstract: The scope of RO2.1 is the research of theoretical methods in the area of automated conceptual design of robots and manipulators on the basis of required parameters of the handling task (dynamics of movement, number of degrees of freedom, the shape of gripping surfaces of the object manipulation, etc.), and the associated value parameters of the workplace, such as energy consumption, weight of the device, load and durability of kinematic linkages, minimizing the layout, etc. The methods for automated synthesis of the device frame, synthesis of the mechanism kinematic structure and dimensioning of arms and drives will be verified in case studies of typical handling tasks in automated manufacturing and service activities. Mathematical methods of conceptual design have great application potential in the design of software systems for computer aided conceptual design of these mechanisms (Computer-aided conceptual design, CACD). Output from the design software can be used for recommendations of suitable industrial robot from a database of the existing robots available, or to set up an optimal kinematic structure of flexible modular elements. The aim is the automated synthesis of a suitable robotic handling means so as to meet all the required functions with minimum consumption of material and energy sources.

Achieved Results

The results achieved while solving the project were published in scientific articles and on conferences, see the following list:


Articles In Foreign Journals

HAGARA, Martin, HUŇADY, Róbert, LENGVARSKÝ, Pavol, VOCETKA, Michal and PALIČKA, Peter. The Calibration Process and Setting of Image Brightness to Achieve Optimum Strain Measurement Accuracy Using Stereo-Camera Digital Image Correlation. Applied Sciences. 2023, vol. 13, issue 17. e-ISSN 2076-6341. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q3]

VARGA, Martin, VIRGALA, Ivan, KELEMEN, Michal, MIKOVÁ, Ľubica, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, SINCAK, Peter Jan and MERVA, Tomáš. Pneumatic Bellows Actuated Parallel Platform Control with Adjustable Stiffness Using a Hybrid Feed-Forward and Variable Gain Integral Controller. Applied Sciences. 2023, 13(24), 13261. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q3]

KREJČÍ, Jakub, BABIUCH, Marek, BABJAK, Ján, SUDER, Jiří and WIERBICA, Rostislav. Implementation of an Embedded System into the Internet of Robotic Things. Micromachines. 2023. 14(1), 113. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q2]

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

VOCETKA, Michal, HECZKO, Dominik, BABJAK, Ján, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, KRYS, Václav, RUŽAROVSKÝ, Roman and BOČÁK, Robert. UR10e Robot Drift Compensation for Precision Measurement Applications. In Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2023. 32nd International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2023. pp. 281-288. ISBN 9783031326059. ISSN 2211-1098. Scopus, OBD

MLOTEK, Jakub, SUDER, Jiří, VOCETKA, Michal, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko and KRYS, Václav. The Effect of Deformation on Robot Shape-Changing Link. In Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics. RAAD 2023. Mechanisms and Machine Science. vol 135. Cham : Springer, 2023. ISBN 978-3-031-32605-9. Scopus, OBD


Articles In Czech Journals

MIHOLA, Milan, ZEMAN, Zdeněk, BOLESLAVSKÝ, Adam, BÉM, Jan, PASTOR, Robert and FOJTÍK, David. Automation of Design of Robotic Arm. MM Science Journal. 2022, issue October, pp. 5876-5882. ISSN 1803-3126. Scopus, WoS

BOLESLAVSKÝ, Adam, MIHOLA, Milan, WIERBICA, Rostislav, BÉM, Jan and SPURNÝ, Tomáš. Research and Development of a Software Tool for Parametric Modeling of Robotized Workplaces. MM Science Journal. 2022, issue June, pp. 5675-5683. ISSN 1803-3126. Scopus, WoS, OBD

ZEMAN, Zdeněk, MIHOLA, Milan, SUDER, Jiří and BOLESLAVSKÝ, Adam. Automation of Partial Tasks in the Design of Robotic Arms. MM Science Journal. 2022, issue March, pp. 5513-5521. ISSN 1803-3126. Scopus, WoS, OBD

Articles In Foreign Journals

MIKOVÁ, Ľubica, PRADA, Erik, KELEMEN, Michal, KRYS, Václav, MYKHAILYSHYN, Roman, SINČÁK, Peter Ján, MERVA, Tomáš and LEŠTACH, Lukáš. Upgrade of Biaxial Mechatronic Testing Machine for Cruciform Specimens and Verification by FEM Analysis. Machines. 2022. 10(10), 916. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q2]

HUCZALA, Daniel, KOT, Tomáš, PFURNER, Martin, KRYS, Václav and BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko. Multirepresentations and Multiconstraints Approach to the Numerical Synthesis of Serial Kinematic Structures of Manipulators. IEEE Access. 2022, vol. 10, pp. 68937-68951. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q2]

PASTOR, Robert, MIHOLA, Milan, ZEMAN, Zdeněk and BOLESLAVSKÝ, Adam. Knowledge-Based Automated Mechanical Design of a Robot Manipulator. Applied Sciences. 2022, 12(12), 5897. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q3]

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

HUCZALA, Daniel, KOT, Tomáš, MLOTEK, Jakub, SUDER, Jiří and PFURNER, Martin. An Automated Conversion Between Selected Robot Kinematic Representations. In 10th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation (ICCMA, Luxembourg). 2022. ISBN 978-1-6654-9048-1. Scopus, WoS, OBD

MLOTEK, Jakub, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, SUDER, Jiří, OŠČÁDAL, Petr, VOCETKA, Michal and KRYS, Václav. Shape-Changing Manipulator Possibilities and the Effect of the Deformable Segment on the Size of the Working Area. In Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2022. pp. 272-280. ISBN 9783031048692. ISSN 2211-1098. e-ISSN 2211-1099. Scopus


Articles In Czech Journals

PAŠKA, Zbyněk, ROJÍČEK, Jaroslav, FOJTÍK, František, KRYS, Václav, FUSEK, Martin and LIČKOVÁ, Dagmar. Load Capacity of Helicoil(R) Inserts in ABS-M30 Material Used for Additive Manufacturing. MM Science Journal. 2021, issue December, pp. 5414-5420. ISSN 1803-3126. Scopus, WoS, OBD

MIHOLA, Milan, ZEMAN, Zdeněk and FOJTÍK, David. Automation of the Design of the Cross-Section of the Manipulator Arms Profile. MM Science Journal. 2021, issue October, pp. 4863-4871. ISSN 1803-3126. Scopus, WoS, OBD

MIHOLA, Milan, ZEMAN, Zdeněk and FOJTÍK, David. Research and Development of a Knowledge-Based Design System for Designing Selected Elements of Mechatronic Devices. MM Science Journal. 2021, issue December, pp. 5381-5390. ISSN 1803-3126. Scopus, WoS, OBD

SUDER, Jiří, KOT, Tomáš, PANEC, Alan and VOCETKA, Michal. Analysis of Increasing the Friction Force of the Robot Jaws by Adding 3D Printed Flexible Inserts. MM Science Journal. 2021, issue December, pp. 5322-5326. ISSN 1803-3126. Scopus, WoS, OBD

PASTOR, Robert, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, OŠČÁDAL, Petr, MĚSÍČEK, Jakub, PAGÁČ, Marek, PRADA, Erik, MIKOVÁ, Lubica and BABJAK, Ján. Optimizing a Quadruped Robot: A Comparison of Two Methods. MM Science Journal. 2021, vol. 2021, issue June, pp. 4348-4355. ISSN 1803-3126. Scopus, WoS, OBD

ZEMAN, Zdeněk, MIHOLA, Milan and SUDER, Jiří. Design of Algorithms for Automatic Selection of Drive Units for Mechatronic Devices. MM Science Journal. 2021, issue June, pp. 4362-4370. ISSN 1803-3126. Scopus, WoS, OBD

SUDER, Jiří, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, MLOTEK, Jakub, VOCETKA, Michal, ZEMAN, Zdeněk and ŠAFÁŘ, Michal. Experimental Analysis of Temperature Resistance of 3D Printed PLA Components. MM Science Journal. 2021, issue March, pp. 4322-4327. ISSN 1803-3126. Scopus, WoS, OBD

Articles In Foreign Journals

ROJÍČEK, Jaroslav, PAŠKA, Zbyněk, FUSEK, Martin, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, SAPIETOVÁ, Alžběta, MOSTÝN, Vladimír and LIČOVÁ, Dagmar. Optimization of a Truss Structure Used to Design of the Manipulator Arm from a Set of Components. Applied sciences. 2021, vol. 11, issue 21. e-ISSN 2076-6341. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q3]

VOCETKA, Michal, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, BABJAK, Ján, SUDER, Jiří, GRUSHKO, Stefan, MLOTEK, Jakub, KRYS, Václav and HAGARA, Martin. Influence of Drift on Robot Repeatability and Its Compensation. Applied sciences. 2021. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q3]

KOT, Tomáš, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, VYSOCKÝ, Aleš, KRYS, Václav, ŠAFAŘÍK, Jakub and RUŽAROVSKÝ, Roman. Method for Robot Manipulator Joint Wear Reduction by Finding the Optimal Robot Placement in a Robotic Cell. Applied sciences. 2021, 11(12), 5398. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q3]

SUDER, Jiří, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, MLOTEK, Jakub, VOCETKA, Michal, OŠČÁDAL, Petr and ZEMAN, Zdeněk. Structural Optimization Method of a FinRay Finger for the Best Wrapping of Object. Applied sciences. 2021. 11(9), 3858. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q3]

HUCZALA, Daniel, KOT, Tomáš, PFURNER, Martin, HECZKO, Dominik, OŠČÁDAL, Petr and MOSTÝN, Vladimír. Initial Estimation of Kinematic Structure of a Robotic Manipulator as an Input for Its Synthesis. Applied sciences. 2021. 11(8), 3548. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q3]

PASTOR, Robert, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, HUCZALA, Daniel and GRUSHKO, Stefan. Genetic Optimization of a Manipulator: Comparison between Straight, Rounded, and Curved Mechanism Links. Applied sciences. 2021. 11(6), 2471. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q3]

KOT, Tomáš, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, BRANDSTÖTTER, Mathias, KRYS, Václav, VIRGALA, Ivan and NOVÁK, Petr. Finding Optimal Manipulator Arm Shapes to Avoid Collisions in a Static Environment. Applied sciences. 2021, 11(1), 64. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q3]

VIRGALA, Ivan, KELEMEN, Michal, PRADA, Erik, SUKOP, Marek, KOT, Tomáš, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, VARGA, Martin and FERENČÍK, Peter. A Snake Robot for Locomotion in a Pipe Using Trapezium-like Travelling Wave. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2021, Volume 158, April 2021, Article number 104221. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q1]


Articles In Czech Journals

SUDER, Jiří, VOCETKA, Michal, KOT, Tomáš, FOJTÍK, František and FUSEK, Martin. Testing of Glued Joints on Plastic Parts Manufactured Using FFF Technology. Acta Polytechnica. 2020, vol. 60 no. 6. Scopus, WoS, OBD

SUDER, Jiří, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, ZEMAN, Zdeněk, MLOTEK, Jakub and VOCETKA, Michal. The Influence of Annealing Temperature on Tensile Strength of Polylactic Acid. MM Science Journal. 2020, issue November, pp. 4132-4137. Scopus, WoS, OBD

VOCETKA, Michal, SUDER, Jiří and HUCZALA, Daniel. The Use of the Two-Handed Collaborative Robot in Non-Collaborative Application. Acta Polytechnica. 2020, vol. 60, issue 2, pp. 151-157. ISSN 1210-2709. Scopus, WoS, OBD

PAŠKA, Zbyněk, ROJÍČEK, Jaroslav, FERFECKI, Petr, FUSEK, Martin, HECZKO, Dominik and KRYS, Václav. Methodology of Arm Design for Mobile Robot Manipulator Using Topological Optimization. MM Science Journal. 2020, vol. 2020, issue June, pp. 3918-3925. ISSN 1803-3126. Scopus, WoS, OBD

MOSTÝN, Vladimír, HUCZALA, Daniel, MOCZULSKI, Wojciech and TIMOFIEJCZUK, Anna. Dimensional optimization of the robotic arm to reduce energy consumption. MM Science Journal. 2020, issue March, pp. 3745-3753. ISSN 1803-3126. e-ISSN 1805-5047. Scopus, WoS, OBD

Articles In Foreign Journals

VOCETKA, Michal, HUŇADY, Róbert, HAGARA, Martin, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, KOT, Tomáš and KRYS, Václav. Influence of the Approach Direction on the Repeatability of an Industrial Robot. Applied sciences. 2020. 10(23), 8714. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q3]

VYSOCKÝ, Aleš, PAPŘOK, Richard, ŠAFAŘÍK, Jakub, KOT, Tomáš, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, NOVÁK, Petr and SNÁŠEL, Václav. Reduction in Robotic Arm Energy Consumption by Particle Swarm Optimization. Applied sciences. 2020, 10(22), 8241. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q3]

HUCZALA, Daniel, OŠČÁDAL, Petr, SPURNÝ, Tomáš, VYSOCKÝ, Aleš, VOCETKA, Michal and BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko. Camera-Based Method for Identification of the Layout of a Robotic Workcell. Applied sciences. 2020, 10(21). Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q3]

VIRGALA, Ivan, KELEMEN, Michal, BOŽEK, Pavol, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, HAGARA, Martin, PRADA, Erik, OŠČÁDAL, Petr and VARGA, Martin. Investigation of Snake Robot Locomotion Possibilities in a Pipe. Symmetry. 2020, vol. 12, issue 6. e-ISSN 2073-3899. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q2]

KELEMENOVÁ, T., DOVICA, M., BOŽEK, Pavol, KOLÁRIKOVÁ, I., BENEDIK, O., VIRGALA, Ivan, PRADA, Erik, MIKOVÁ, Lubica, KOT, Tomáš and KELEMEN, Michal. Specific Problems in Measurement of Coefficient of Friction Using Variable Incidence Tribometer. Symmetry. 2020, 12(8). Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q2]


Articles In Czech Journals

MĚSÍČEK, Jakub, PAGÁČ, Marek, PETRŮ, Jana, NOVÁK, Petr, HAJNYS, Jiří and KUTIOVÁ, Kristýny. Topological Optimization of the Formula Student Bell Crank. MM Science Journal. 2019, 10, 2964-2968, ISSN 1803-1269. Scopus, WoS, OBD

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

SIKORA, Jan, FOJTÍK, David, CZEBE, Jiří and MIHOLA, Milan. Storage Kind Recognition of Truck's Timber Load. In Proceedings of the 2019 20th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC). IEEE, 2019. pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-7281-0702-8. Scopus, WoS, OBD

SIKORA, Jan, FOJTÍK, David, GEBAUER, Jan, PODEŠVA, Petr and MIHOLA, Milan. Preparation of 3D models of Trucks for Timber Load Analysis. In 20th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC). IEEE, 2019. pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-7281-0702-8. Scopus, WoS, OBD

VYSOCKÝ, Aleš, WADA, Hisaka, KINUGAWA, Jun and KOSUGE, Kazuhiro. Motion Planning Analysis According to ISO/TS 15066 in Human–Robot Collaboration Environment. In IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM. 2019. pp. 151-156. ISBN 9781728124933. Scopus, WoS, OBD

PASTOR, Robert, VYSOCKÝ, Aleš and NOVÁK, Petr. A Study on Direct Teleoperation Device Kinematics. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 11472. Cham : Springer, 2019. 12. pp. 140-146. 978-3-030-14983-3. Scopus, WoS, OBD

VYSOCKÝ, Aleš, PASTOR, Robert and NOVÁK, Petr. Interaction with Collaborative Robot Using 2D and TOF Camera. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 11472. Cham : Springer, 2019. 35. pp. 477-489. 978-3-030-14983-3. Scopus, WoS, OBD


Articles In Czech Journals

PASTOR, Robert, VYSOCKÝ, Aleš, ŠIROKÝ, Petr, KONEČNÝ, Zdeněk and KARNÍK, Ladislav. Use of Different Simulation Methods for Design of Experimental Rover. MM Science Journal. 2018, December, pp. 2616-2620. ISSN 1805-0476. Scopus, WoS, OBD

LIPINA, Jan, KRYS, Václav and MEC, Pavel. Simulation Model of Polycarbonate Material for Additive Technology FDM. MM Science Journal. 2018, December, pp. 2611-2615. ISSN 1805-0476. Scopus, OBD

SUDER, Jiří, MIHOLA, Milan, KONEČNÝ, Zdeněk, KOT, Tomáš and PASTOR, Robert. Modifications to the Effector for Measurement of Gripping Force. MM Science Journal. 2018, December, pp. 2606-2610. ISSN 1805-0476. Scopus, WoS, OBD

Articles In Foreign Journals

NOVÁK, Petr, KOT, Tomáš, BABJAK, Ján, KONEČNÝ, Zdeněk, MOCZULSKI, Wojciech and RODRIGUEZ, Ángel. Implementation of Explosion Safety Regulations in Design of a Mobile Robot for Coal Mines. Applied Sciences. 2018, vol. 8, Issue 11 (special issue Advanced Mobile Robotics). ISSN 2076-3417. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q2]

BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko, KRYS, Václav and MOSTÝN, Vladimír. Kinect v2 infrared images correction. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2018, roč. 15, č. 1, ISSN 17298814. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q4]

MOSTÝN, Vladimír, KRYS, Václav, KOT, Tomáš, BOBOVSKÝ, Zdenko and NOVÁK, Petr. The Synthesis of a Segmented Stair-Climbing Wheel. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2018, Volume 15, issue 1, ISSN 1729-8814. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q4]

KOT, Tomáš and NOVÁK, Petr. Application of Virtual Reality in Teleoperation of the Military Mobile Robotic System TAROS. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2018, vol. 15, issue 1. ISSN 1729-8814. Scopus, WoS, OBD, [Q4]

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

LIPINA, Jan, KRYS, Václav and FOJTÍK, František. Tensile test on samples produced by Rapid Prototyping technology with a higher number of contours. In INES 2018. 22nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. June 21-23, 2018 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain : Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary, 2018. Scopus, OBD

KOT, Tomáš, NOVÁK, Petr and BABJAK, Ján. Using HoloLens to Create a Virtual Operator Station for Mobile Robots. In 19th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC). IEEE, 2018. pp. 422-427. ISBN 978-1-5386-4763-9. Scopus, WoS, OBD

KOT, Tomáš, NOVÁK, Petr and BABJAK, Ján. Application of Augmented Reality in Mobile Robot Teleoperation. In Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems MESAS 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 10756. Cham : Springer, 2018. pp 223-236. ISBN 978-3-319-76071-1. Scopus, WoS, OBD