the design and construction of machines and machine systems
scientific and research work in the individual fields of the industrial sphere
design and construction studies focused on the development of machine prototypes and equipment
expert and consultancy in the field of machine and equipment design, technical diagnostics, the mining industry, the field of operational measurements and others
the processing of research and studies, including special research tasks
assessment activities based on the relationship between a client and a supplier
the certification of personnel in the field of tribodidiagnostics and thermodiagnostics
the laboratory analyses of fuels and lubricants
technical measurement in the following areas: vibrodiagnostics, thermodiagnostics, acoustics, laser and optical measurements, non-destructive testing, etc.
consultancy in the field of CAD systems for secondary schools
ensuring cooperation and collaboration with specialized companies
solving environmental problems in industrial practice
the organization of company days, professional seminars, international conferences, etc.