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fyzlabEquipment for physical laboratory measuring

Detailed syllabi of individual courses of the field of study Application science and technology can be found at curriculums. The courses can be divided into the following four sections.

Mathematical courses include linear algebra, mathematical analysis, differential equations, numerical methods, statistics, functions of complex variable, optimalization methods, discrete mathematics.

chem Chemical laboratory

Physical courses include kinematics, mechanics of solid bodies, oscillations, waves, thermodynamics, statics and dynamics of liquids and gas, theory of electric and magnetic fields, optics, basics of particle physics, experimental measurements and evaluation of researched phenomenons.

Chemical courses include general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, basic knowledge of laboratory equipment and execution of chemical experiments.

smerovepole Vector field and integral curves

Technical character courses are focused on algorithms and programming technics, basics of electrotechnics, signal measurement and processing, sensor-based technics, autopiloting, mechanics, mechanic of fluids and thermomechanics, advection, material science and material testing.

Some of these courses are optional. Students choose them on the basis of their bachelor's thesis or with regard to their further master's studies.
