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A bachelor‘s programme in Applied Sciences and Technologies belongs among university study programmes. The students are provided a broad foundation in natural sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry together with a portion of computer science and rudiments of applications in various fields of engineering. We put the strong accent on the theoretical aspects of engineering which allows our absolvents to develop an interdisciplinary way of thinking and to be able to handle engineering problems with efficiency and bold creativity. The studies of foreign languages are also widely supported and are focused on the technical language aiming to increase the ability to communicate with the specialists in the field of study. The students learn to work smoothly with the scientific literature and they are warmly endorsed to attend lectures in foreign languages or spent part of their studies in the university abroad (i.e. by participating in the ERASMUS+ programme).


The bachelor’s programme is finished by a final state examination which consists of two separately classified parts. The first one is a Bachelor thesis defence and the second one is a final examination of two subjects (mathematics is obligatory and the second subject can be chosen between physics and chemistry). The students are advised to choose such topics of their Bachelor theses that relate to the master’s programmes they intend to continue in. If an absolvent of the bachelor’s programme decides not to gain a master’s degree, he can find a position as a research assistant, laboratory technician, lecturer assistant at the university or as an officer in the state administration. The absolvents are equipped with variety of up-to-date computer science skills and as such, they are also attractive candidates for many software companies.